Legal notice

By continuing to browse or use a site or all the sites accessible by or its subdomains, you accept these Terms and Conditions and accept the management of your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Added April 23, 2024

In order to facilitate registrations and allow online transactions, we have set up and dedicated the sub-domain: . By browsing and completing transactions on that subdomain, you agree to an extended privacy policy visible on

You can revoke your consent to the storage or use of Cookies at any time by clicking on:

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General Terms and Conditions and Tchili Easy Learning Rules (v. 1.3, April 2024)

1. Scope of application

These general conditions and regulations (hereinafter “GTC”) apply to all registrations for a course, training, camp, activity (Activity.ies) or all contracts concluded with the Tchili Easy Learning association orally, in writing or through the website of or its subdomains, unless explicitly stated otherwise in one of the aforementioned documents.

In case of doubt about the translation or possible differences of version, the French version is authentic.

The participant who registers digitally from a member country of the European Union expressly and freely waives his or her right to the 14-day cooling-off period when registering.

2. Definitions

Activity(ies): depending on the registration: a course, a training, a camp, an activity

Member(s): natural or legal person who has joined the Tchili Easy Learning association

Benefactor: depending on the context, the legal guardian of a minor, the one who without being the Participant pays for the Activity

Class: group of Participants constituted in an Activity

Co-Providers: institution, foundation, association recognized as being of public utility or public body linked to Tchili Easy Learning in the realization of a Service

Content: is constituted independently or jointly, without limitations, by the chosen methodology, by the didactic and/or pedagogical/andragogic design, by the synergy of forms and modalities of learning, transfer and restitution, evaluation processes (learning and quality), programs, sequences, media whatever they are (paper, digital, visual, audio, …), tools, exercises, organizational and intervention modalities, pedagogical/andragogic techniques or tools for animation and support aimed at facilitating learning; as well as any graphic content (iconographic, graphic, audio, video), ideas, concepts, examples of realization, … accessible through Tchili Easy Learning websites ( and subdomains) or accessed by any other means (letters, emails, flyers, posters, submission of offers, workshops, forums,…)

Speaker: depending on the audience and the purpose of the Activity: trainer, specialized teacher, teacher, instructor, guide, coach, facilitator

Participant: depending on the target audience: learner, youth, teenager, child, beneficiary

Financial Participation (FP): depending on the context: registration finance, Activity fees

Service: includes the design, organization, animation and evaluation of an Activity

Program: publication of planned activities with dates, target audience and financial participation

3. Aims, membership, organization and functioning of the Tchili Easy Learning association

The goals, modalities and functioning of the Tchili Easy Learning association are defined in the Statutes of Tchili Easy Learning. The Member agrees to these principles.

4. Organization of Activities

For organizational reasons, Tchili Easy Learning reserves the right to postpone its Activities or to group Classes, to modify the place of conduct or to reduce their duration subject to a proportional reimbursement of the Activity costs. If a Speaker is absent, Tchili Easy Learning may replace him or her, or set a replacement date for the Activity concerned.

5. Number of Participants and course of the Activity

In order to ensure a perfect conduct of its Tchili Easy Learning Activities sets, for each of them, a number of Participants that can be adapted if necessary. Places will be allocated in the order of arrival of the registrations (subject to the payment of the Financial Participation (FP) within the time limit). 

As a general rule, if the number of Participants is insufficient, the Activity will not take place and the Participant will be exempted from payment or the FP will be refunded.

Tchili Easy Learning also reserves the right to cancel Activities advertised in the Program for other reasons not attributable to Tchili Easy Learning. In case of total cancellation of an Activity, the FP already paid will be refunded. Any other claim of the Participants, or their Beneficiaries, in particular claims for damages in the event of modification or cancellation of an Activity is expressly excluded. 

If the number of Participants in an Activity is insufficient, it may happen that an Activity still takes place, provided however that the Participants, or if applicable their Beneficiary, approve an increase in the FP or, if it is appropriate, a reduction in the number of periods, the FP remaining constant. 

6. Exclusion of an Activity and late pickup

Tchili Easy Learning reserves the right to exclude one or more Participants. The entire FP remains due (no full refund or full exemption or pro rata of the hours not followed) in the following cases: exclusion due to non-payment of the FP or unacceptable behavior (disrespect, insult, aggression, voluntary degradation of equipment, etc.).

The Participant or his/her Benefactor cannot claim compensation for not having been able to complete the Activity.

Tchili Easy Learning reserves the right to charge a surcharge of CHF 85.00 per started hour for the time spent looking after a minor participant when his/her legal guardian is late after the activity and he/she has not authorized the child to leave alone.

7. Registrations and cancellations, payment of the Financial Participation (FP), Referral or Sponsorship

Any registration, whether oral or written, is binding and commits the Participant and his or her Benapoir to the payment of the FP. FPs are in Swiss francs (CHF), including any value added tax (VAT).

Non-payment of FP is not considered a cancellation of registration/or enrollment.

After registering for an Activity, the Participant or his/her Benefactor receives a confirmation of registration with payment instructions from Tchili Easy Learning. 

Depending on the date of unsubscription, Tchili Easy Learning may reimburse all or part of the FPs, in accordance with the following provisions:

Collective activity:

Date of cancellation of registration:Cancellation fees:
Up to 45 calendar days before the start of the Activity:CHF 100.– contribution to costs
Between 44 and 30 calendar days before the start of the Activity:+30% of FP
Between 21 and 15 calendar days before the start of the Activity:+60% of FP
Between 14 and 7 calendar days before the start of the Activity:+80% of FP
Between 6 and 3 calendar days before the start of the Activity:+90%of the FP
From the beginning of the Activity OR if the access codes to training material on our LMS have been sent:

no exemption from payment or refunds of FP

Individual or private activity:

Date of cancellation of registration:Cancellation fees:
Up to 45 calendar days before the start of the Activity:CHF 100.– contribution to costs
Between 44 and 30 calendar days before the start of the Activity:+50% of FP
Between 29 and 22 calendar days before the start of the Activity:+70% of FP
Between 21 and 8 calendar days before the start of the Activity:+90% of FP
From 7 calendar days before the start of the Activity OR if the access codes to training material on our LMS have been sent::no exemption from payment or
refunds of FP

To be recognized as valid, an Activity cancellation must be sent by e-mail to the address on the registration/enrollment confirmation email (return email)

Tchili Easy Learning also reserves the right to charge third party receivables for training materials, services, accommodation, meals, transportation, etc.

Applicable refunds will be provided in the form of a Voucher.

Referral or Sponsorship:

The Participant or his/her Benefactor may sponsor the registration of another Participant for an activity. This sponsorship entitles the sponsored Participant or his or her Benefactor to a voucher for 5% of the FP paid. In doing so, the sponsored participants undertake to have the explicit agreement of their “sponsor” to transmit their name and/or e-mail address.

8. Activities organized on institutional mandate, associative, … of public utility:

Tchili Easy Learning may (co-)design, (co-)organize, (co-)animate and (co-)evaluate Activities on specific mandate from an institution, an association or a foundation recognized as being of public interest or not, or on behalf of a public body, such as, but not limited to, the DIP, BIE, OCE, OCCS,…

These mandates will be the subject, as far as possible, of a specific contract. In the absence thereof, this clause shall apply in its entirety.

In general, the difference is made between the phases of design, organization, animation and evaluation.

The principal will pay the deposit in accordance with the following provisions:

When ordering: 40% of the agreed price

At the beginning of the organizational phase: 38% of the agreed price

At the beginning of the animation phase: 20% of the agreed price

At the beginning of the evaluation phase: 2% of the agreed price

The deposit paid will be deducted from the final invoice.

In the event of no deposit payment, Tchili Easy Learning reserves the right to interrupt its Service as long as these have not been paid.

In the event of interruption of the mandate, the costs incurred, not covered by the deposit, for the actual implementation remain the responsibility of the principal. For example, but without limitation, the firm commitment of a specific Speaker for the animation a few days from the beginning of it or the deposit or deposits paid for the reservation of accommodation, meals,…

9. Partial payments

Partial payments are possible at the request of the Participant or his/her Benefactor against payment of an application fee of CHF 50.– and according to the free decision of Tchili Easy Learning.

10. Lessons / sessions not followed

Lessons/sessions not taken cannot be caught up and are not refunded.

11. Certificate of participation

At the request of the Participant who has completed at least 80% of the Activity, and at the latest one year after the end of the Activity, Tchili Easy Learning will gladly issue a certificate of participation. Different provisions are expressly reserved.

12. Disclaimer and Insurance

For Tchili Easy Learning, Tchili Easy Learning declines all responsibility for any damages. The use of Tchili Easy Learning’s facilities and training materials is at the participant’s own risk. Participants must take out sufficient accident and civil liability insurance before the start of the Activity. Tchili Easy Learning cannot be held responsible for theft or loss. Participants are required to comply in the premises used by Tchili Easy Learning with the current guidelines of the authorities (p. e.g. hygiene rules), as well as the guidelines of Tchili Easy Learning. The use of premises used by Tchili Easy Learning (including partner premises, external facilities and premises leased to other companies) is prohibited to persons with symptoms of disease, in case of suspicion of contamination by transmissible pathogens and/or in case of quarantine (ordered by the authorities or by the person himself). The risk of infection cannot be completely excluded, even if hygiene rules are observed. Tchili Easy Learning excludes any liability in this regard.

Tchili Easy Learning makes every effort to offer users of the site, Participants and Speakers of the Activities reliable information. However, despite all the care taken, its sites and media, may contain inaccuracies, defects in updates or errors. Visitors and users of the site, or its subdomains, of Tchili Easy Learning do so at their own risk. Tchili Easy Learning excludes any liability in this regard.

Neither the Participant, nor his/her Benefactor, nor any other party involved may derive any rights as a result of the non-achievement of the objectives/success of the learning, including any reimbursement or reduction of the FP.

13. Data protection

The processing of personal data in connection with Tchili Easy Learning’s Activity is subject to Tchili Easy Learning’s Privacy Policy . The Privacy Policy explains the processing of personal data by Tchili Easy Learning, in particular in relation to membership in the association and the Activities of Tchili Easy Learning accessible through the website (or its subdomains), and contains in particular indications on the reasons why personal data are processed, on how they are transmitted within Tchili Easy Learning, and to its partners, and on the rights of data subjects in relation to their personal data. The data protection policy can be consulted on all Tchili Easy Learning websites, for example here. By registering, the Participant or Member and, if applicable, his or her Benefactor agree to the processing of his/her personal data resulting therefrom in accordance with the data protection policy.

Tchili Easy Learning may transmit to the Participant information and offers of its own, for example in the form of e-mails and advertising brochures. By registering, the Participant and, where applicable, his/her Benefactor agree that the corresponding messages may also be transmitted electronically.

These messages and their sending may also be personalized in order to transmit to the Participant only the information that may be of interest to him/her. This applies in particular to the Activities of Tchili Easy Learning which, within the framework of these GTC, are an integral part of the Activities of Tchili Easy Learning as personalised services. In order to offer the Participant as personal a user experience as possible, Tchili Easy Learning may evaluate behavioral and transaction data in combination with already existing personal data. Further information on this profiling as well as on the rights of the participant can also be found in the data protection policy of Tchili Easy Learning.

14. Participant Account

If access to the Activity requires a Participant account, the Participant, and his/her Benefactor, undertake to provide Tchili Easy Learning with complete and accurate information when opening this account. The Participant of full age is solely responsible for any activity that occurs through his/her account. The Participant of full age is responsible for updating their account information and password security. The adult participant is responsible for maintaining the security of the account he/she uses to access the course. The participant must not share or misuse his/her access credentials. The participant of full age undertakes to inform Tchili Easy Learning immediately of any unauthorized use of his/her account or as soon as he/she becomes aware of any other breach of security. If the Participant is a minor, his/her legal guardian is responsible for him/her.

15. Stakeholder Account

If access to the course, training or camp requires a Speaker account, the Counsellor undertakes to provide Tchili Easy Learning with complete and accurate information, and the required supporting documents, when opening an account as soon as he/she intervenes on behalf of or in partnership with Tchili Easy Learning. The Intervener is solely responsible for any activity that occurs through his account. The Intervener is responsible for updating the information relating to his account and the security of his step. The Worker is responsible for maintaining the security of the account he/she uses to access the training. The Intervener must not share or misuse his access credentials. The Intervener undertakes to inform Tchili Easy Learning immediately of any unauthorized use of his account or as soon as he/she becomes aware of any other breach of security.

16. Video and audio recordings by participants

It is forbidden to make video or audio recordings in the places in which the Activity takes place or during the events organized by Tchili Easy Learning, without the express written consent of Tchili Easy Learning and the Participants, and if applicable their legal guardian.

17. Video and audio recordings by Tchili Easy Learning

Tchili Easy Learning may, through its speaker, register the Activities it organizes and make them accessible to Participants at a later date, use them for the purpose of training Speakers or use extracts for promotional purposes. Participants, or their legal representative, may request that their faces and names be anonymized. When using these materials for promotional purposes Tchili Easy Learning must obtain the explicit consent of the persons identifiable on the image.

18. Intellectual property and copyright

All Content transmitted by Tchili Easy Learning and/or through its site, and its subdomains, or as part of the Activities by its Activity partners, its Co-Providers, its Stakeholders or any other natural or legal person is protected by intellectual property legislation and in particular by that relating to copyright.

Tchili Easy Learning’s Speakers or service providers acting on its behalf retain their copyright and intellectual property, and confer on Tchili Easy Learning non-exclusive and non-time-limited rights. They authorize Tchili Easy Learning to represent them in the use of these rights.

All rights of reproduction are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.

The reproduction of all or part of the Content published, provided or made available by Tchili Easy Learning, by its Activity partners, by its Co-Providers, by its Interveners on its site and subdomains, their transmission, storage, whatever the medium, or their dissemination is prohibited in all cases (private, commercial, graceful or not) – unless expressly authorized in writing by Tchili Easy Learning.

Registration and participation in the Activity does not transfer to the Participant, the Benefactor, or any other third party involved any intellectual property of Tchili Easy Learning, its Content and Concepts, the site and subdomains, or those of third parties, and all right, title and interest in such properties remain the sole and exclusive property of Tchili Easy Learning and its licensors (between the parties).

Membership does not transfer to the Member any intellectual property of Tchili Easy Learning, its Content and Concepts, the site and subdomains, or those of third parties, and all right, title and interest in such properties remain the sole and exclusive property of Tchili Easy Learning and its licensors (between the parties).

Even if expressly authorized in writing by Tchili Easy Learning, the downloading, copying or printing of Content, texts, illustrations or other data does not entail any transfer of rights to the contents. The alteration of the Content is subject to the written consent of Tchili Easy Learning.

The reproduction, transmission, modification or use for private, public or commercial purposes of content protected by intellectual property rights and copyrights is subject to the prior written consent of Tchili Easy Learning, and if applicable of the intellectual owner or author of specific content who has granted a non-exclusive right to Tchili Easy Learning

The Participant of an activity may be authorized by the Speaker to record, for personal learning purposes only, individually on his or her personal device the educational or andragogic documents transmitted during the Activity. This does not result in any transfer of rights or ownership and the preceding clauses continue.

In the event of a joint creation of Content between Tchili Easy Learning and a third party organization, for example, but without limitation, in the case of responding to calls for tenders, the Content, whatever it is and whatever its form, created by or through Tchili Easy Learning remains the intellectual property of Tchili Easy Learning and does not confer any rights on the third party organization.

The receipt of offer(s) of Activity(s) or Service(s) issued by, or in collaboration with, Tchili Easy Learning does not transfer to the recipient of the offer any intellectual property of Tchili Easy Learning, the site and subdomains, or those of third parties, and all rights, title and interest in these properties remain the sole and exclusive property of Tchili Easy Learning and its licensors (between the parties).

All Content and Concepts, whatever they are and whatever their forms, transmitted or made accessible by Tchili Easy Learning under a mandate remain the exclusive intellectual property of Tchili Easy Learning and its licensors (between the parties) and do not confer any rights on the principal.

Anyone who has infringed at least one of the clauses on intellectual property and copyright undertakes to compensate Tchili Easy Learning according to the following flat-rate calculation:

Damage estimated in CHF suffered by Tchili Easy Learning, or if the profit in CHF (revenue and reduction of expenses related to implementation, internally or on behalf of others, such as for example, but not limited to, a service, a measure) resulting from the use of the Content of Tchili Easy Learning and its licensors (between the parties) exceeds the damage, multiplied by 10.

19. Duration and end of contract

The duration of the contract depends on the Activity, the Service and is limited in time. The duration of membership is governed by the Statutes. All provisions of the contract which, by their nature, have to continue at the end of the contract, including without limitation the clauses relating to intellectual property and copyright, non-liability and indemnification remain applicable at the end of the contract.

20. Hierarchical clause

  1. A possible contract,
  2. A possible registration form and its annexes
  3. These General Terms and Conditions and Tchili Easy Learning Rules
  4. Tchili Easy Learning Privacy Policy

Clearly, in case of contradiction between clauses: 1) precedence over any other document, 4) is considered last.

In case of non-treatment of a situation in 1) we refer to 2), then to 3), then to 4)

21. Changes to the Program, Financial Participations and GTC

Tchili Easy Learning reserves the right to modify the Program, FPs and T&Cs at any time. The version in force at the time of registration is authentic and cannot be modified unilaterally for the conclusion of this contract.

22. Saving clause

If any provision of these GTC should be invalid or incomplete or if its execution should be impossible, the validity of the other parties shall not be affected. In such a case, the invalid provision must be replaced by a valid provision that achieves the original purpose of the contract in a legally permissible manner and that comes as close as possible to the original intent. The same applies in the event of a shortcoming.

23. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

All legal relations with Tchili Easy Learning are governed by Swiss substantive law. 

The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with these GTC is Geneva, Switzerland.

Tchili Easy Learning Privacy Policy

(v. 1.2, September 2022)

This section describes the privacy policy in force on all the sites and subdomains of, hereinafter the Site and during exchanges with Tchili Easy Learning.

Added April 23, 2024

In order to facilitate registrations and allow online transactions, we have set up and dedicated the sub-domain: . By browsing and completing transactions on that subdomain, you agree to an extended privacy policy visible on .

Our position on the collection of personal data and cookies in general:

We encourage you to use browsers to effectively limit the collection of data from the sites, and invite you to systematically refuse third-party and non-essential cookies, to delete any cookies saved at the end of navigation, and to disable JavaScript when your browsing does not require it.
We recommend, in order to protect your data and your computer to install a VPN, a firewall, an anti-virus integrating malware / spyware detection.
The same rules apply when you use a “Smartphone”. We recommend that you pay particular attention to favoring applications that respect your personal data and uninstalling others (incl. bloatware).
When entering your data on a website, check that you are in secure mode (https) and that the certificate corresponds to the site you are browsing.
We also invite you to use encrypted messaging and email services concerned about the personal data of its users when you transmit information containing sensitive personal data.


Activity(ies): depending on the registration: a course, a training, a camp, an activity

Member(s): natural or legal person who has joined the Tchili Easy Learning association

Content: is constituted independently or jointly, without limitations, by the chosen methodology, by the didactic and/or pedagogical/andragogic design, by the synergy of forms and modalities of learning, transfer and restitution, evaluation processes (learning and quality), programs, sequences, media whatever they are (paper, digital, visual, audio, …), tools, exercises, organizational and intervention modalities, pedagogical/andragogic techniques or tools for animation and support aimed at facilitating learning; as well as any graphic content (iconographic, graphic, audio, video), ideas, concepts, examples of realization, … accessible through the Tchili Easy Learning Site ( and subdomains) or accessed by any other means (letters, emails, flyers, posters, submission of offers, workshops, forums,…)

Speaker: depending on the audience and the purpose of the Activity: trainer, specialized teacher, teacher, instructor, guide, coach, facilitator

Participant: depending on the target audience: learner, youth, teenager, child, beneficiary

Financial Participation (FP): depending on the context: registration finance, Activity fees

Site: all websites at and its subdomains.


By default, WordPress does not collect any personal data about visitors, and only collects data present in the “Your Profile” screen of registered accounts.

Our host Infomaniak collects data for statistical purposes (# of daily visits, #of visits per hour, pages viewed, #of visitors, source of traffic, web browsers, geographical area, response codes). These are visible to the administrator of the Site and probably accessible to our host.

Details of the data collected-received, in what case and for what purpose?

NavigationAnonymized data collected by our host and by our statistics department.Statistics
Subscription to the newsletterInformation you provide to us.Send you the newsletter to which you have subscribed.
Making contactData you provide to usTo respond to your request.
Membership in the associationThe data you provide to us In the case of a minor, also the data of the legal guardian. In the case of a legal person, also, the data of the person entitled to signature and submitting the request.Allow you to benefit from the status of member when registering for an Activity. Contact you as part of the life of the association (GA, open houses, meetings, …) Protect minors Allow accounting processing.
User RegistrationThe information you provide.Allow access to higher functionalities by verifying the username and password, transmit from the Site the information according to the rights related to the role.
Resetting the user passwordIdentifiers, mail, IP mentioned in the reset mail.Send you the reset link and tell you which IP the request is from.
Adding commentsThe comment, IP address and user agent stringYou are responsible for what you post.  
Publication of an article, a page, media, a post on a forumIdentifiers, publication(s)Allow, if necessary, to identify the informed author of a publication
Registration for an ActivityThe data you provide to us In the case of a minor, also the data of the legal guardian. In the case of a legal person, also, the data of the person entitled to signature and submitting the request. In the event that the Participant is not the payer of the FP, the data of the latter or the person having to sign, and making the request on behalf of a legal person.  Give you access to the requested Activity Allow accounting processing. Protecting minors
Participant AccountThe data you provide us, your exchanges, navigation data, renderings, interactions you have during the training. Your surname, first name, email and date of birth, verified in When an Activity is subject to prequalification, it will be verified.Allow you access to the Activity. Allow you access, if necessary, to the remote part of the Activity. Verify your participation, your training follow-up and your identity in order to be able to issue a certificate of follow-up or a certification if it is subject to examinations. Sending information relating to the organization of the Activity
During the ActivitiesThe Activities may be recorded (video & audio) by Tchili Easy Learning. The Participant or his/her legal guardian may request that your face be masked and that an “alias” be used in lieu of your first name. Some Activities include, in addition to the main activity, the production of logbooks in video, magazine or audio format by ParticipantsAllow the subsequent follow-up of the course by the Participants. Allow the Participant to see his/her progress. Facilitate the transmission of documents relating to the Activity. Facilitate the ongoing training of Stakeholders. Support the publication of information related to the Activities (your image and name will be anonymized unless you explicitly consent). Allow the Participant to create a logbook for educational/andragogic purposes.
Registration as a Speaker:All data you provide to us. Your surname, first name, email, date of birth, and qualifications: verified. Normal and special criminal records depending on the target audience or the location of the Activity.Allow you to intervene in an Activity Enable accounting processing. Support your continuing education.
Stakeholder Account:Data you provide to us, navigation data, courses, interactions you have during training. Your surname, first name, date of birth, and qualifications: verified.Allow you access to the possible remote part Justify the quality of the courses and the competence of the trainer. Transmission of information relating to the organization of the Activity.
During the ActivityThe data you provide to us, your exchanges and courses in connection with your Intervenor Account. The Activity may be recorded (video & audio) You can request that your face be masked and the use of an “alias” instead of your first name.Justify the quality of the courses and facilitate their evaluation. Send the Participants information relating to the Activity. Allow the follow-up and subsequent review of learning by Participants. Facilitate the ongoing training of Speakers Support the publication of information relating to the Activities (your image and name will be anonymized unless you explicitly consent).



While some posts allow comments from visitors (neither users, nor Performers, nor Participants), when they leave comments on this Site, we collect the data visible in the comment form, its IP address and the browser’s user agent string to facilitate the detection of spam.

An anonymized chain created from your email address (also known as hashing) can be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you’re using it. The Gravatar privacy policy is available here: After your comment is approved, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.


If you upload images to the Site, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the Site can download and extract all location data from the site’s images.

Except for media from a royalty-free media database for which the author is responsible, you must also have the explicit consent of the persons appearing in the photos, as long as they are recognizable or identifiable.


We use to obtain anonymized statistics to determine the number of pages viewed, the URL visited, the origin of traffic, the number of visitors, the geographical origin of visitors, the browser, the OS, the size of the screen (important for the display).

In addition, to limit spam we use a Hcaptcha service offered by Hcaptcha (its privacy rules)

If you leave a comment on our Site, you may choose to save your name, email address and Website in cookies. These are for your convenience so you don’t have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies last a year.

If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is deleted when you close your browser.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie does not include any personal data and simply indicates the publication ID of the article you have just edited. It expires after 1 day.

At any time, you can revoke the acceptance of cookies, by clicking here: Revoke consent

then change your settings.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this Site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in exactly the same way as if the visitor had visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged into that website.

Content embedded in other websites

Articles on this site may be partially highlighted on other sites, such as social networks. Articles, photos, video, … may also be integrated, without our knowledge or consent, on other sites. We do not control the use and the data thus disseminated. Nevertheless, the clauses relating to intellectual property and copyright of the GTC remain applicable.

We thank you for notifying us via our contact form where you found our Content.

Who do we share your data with?

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

When you send us a question, a request for information or a request for registration for an Activity, we may transmit the information you have communicated to us to the person in charge of registrations or the Activity Speaker, whether internal or external service provider.

We may pass on your information if we have an administrative or legal obligation to do so, or if we need to comply with or enforce our terms of use and other agreements between you and us.

How long do we keep your data

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This allows us to automatically recognize and approve all follow-up comments instead of keeping them in a moderation queue.

For users who register on our Site (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can view, edit or delete their personal information at any time (except their username). The Site administrator(s) may also view and modify this information.

We retain data that we are required to retain for administrative, legal or security purposes for as long as required by law.

What rights do you have on your data

If you have an account on this Site, or if you have left comments, participated in an Activity or been a Stakeholder, you may request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including the data you have provided to us.

You can also ask us to erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include data that we are required to retain for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Where do we send your data

Sending form content (contacts, newsletter subscriptions, registrations, login, comments,…) visitors can be verified via an automated spam detection service.

Intellectual property and copyright

All Content transmitted by Tchili Easy Learning and/or through its Site or as part of the Activities by its Activity Partners, Co-Providers, Stakeholders or any other natural or legal person is protected by intellectual property legislation and in particular by that relating to copyright.

Tchili Easy Learning’s Speakers or service providers acting on its behalf retain their copyright and intellectual property, and confer on Tchili Easy Learning non-exclusive and non-time-limited rights. They authorize Tchili Easy Learning to represent them in the use of these rights.

All rights of reproduction are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.

The reproduction of all or part of the Content published, provided or made available by Tchili Easy Learning, by its Activity partners, by its Co-Providers, by its Interveners on its Site, their transmission, storage, whatever the medium, or their dissemination is prohibited in all cases (private, commercial, graceful or not) – unless expressly authorized in writing by Tchili Easy Learning.

Membership does not transfer to the Member any intellectual property of Tchili Easy Learning, the Site, or those of third parties, and all right, title and interest in and to such properties remain the sole and exclusive property of Tchili Easy Learning and its licensors (between the parties).

Even if expressly authorized in writing by Tchili Easy Learning, the downloading, copying or printing of texts, illustrations or other data does not entail any transfer of rights to the contents. The alteration of the contents is subject to the written consent of Tchili Easy Learning.

The reproduction, transmission, modification or use for private, public or commercial purposes of content protected by intellectual property rights and copyrights is subject to the prior written consent of Tchili Easy Learning, and if applicable of the intellectual owner or author of specific content who has granted a non-exclusive right to Tchili Easy Learning

The clauses of the GTC relating to intellectual property and copyright remain applicable.

Anyone who has infringed at least one of the clauses on intellectual property and copyright undertakes to compensate Tchili Easy Learning according to the following flat-rate calculation:

Damage estimated in CHF suffered by Tchili Easy Learning, or if the profit in CHF (revenue and reduction of expenses related to implementation, internally or on behalf of others, such as for example, but not limited to, a service, a measure) resulting from the use of the Content of Tchili Easy Learning and its licensors (between the parties) exceeds the damage, multiplied by 10.

The content you publish

The Site is intended for all audiences (minors, adults). Tchili Easy Learning cannot be held responsible for what you post.

When you publish content on the Site you ensure that it will not offend the sensibilities of the youngest and respect the framework of legality. You are responsible for your publications (text and/or media) and their consequences for you and also for any damage you may cause to Tchili Easy Learning. Tchili Easy Learning may demand compensation and compensation.

When you post content on the Site, you are solely responsible for what you post, and you ensure that you have the legal right to publish it if you are neither the intellectual owner nor the author.
If you publish photos and they represent people, you ensure that you have the explicit consent of each of them for publication on our Site, as long as they are identifiable or recognizable.

When it comes to images from free image banks this authorization is the business of the author who grants you a non-exclusive license of publication.

By posting content on the Site, you transfer to Tchili Easy Learning a non-exclusive, non-time-limited right to reproduce, modify or use such content in connection with its Activities.

Destroying your post

When you post content on the Site, you agree that such content may be removed following a legitimate request from a third party or for any other reason.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be adapted over time, in particular if Tchili Easy Learning changes the data processing or if new legal provisions come into force. In general, the version of the privacy policy in force at the beginning of a data processing is the one that applies to this processing. In case of change, if you have entered an email address, and we still keep your data, you will be informed by email.